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Sage Video: Social Justice

SAGE Video

About this collection

Explore and be inspired by social justice movements across the world
A dynamic cross-disciplinary collection that takes users on a journey to the front lines of social justice movements worldwide. Get ready to explore the profound histories and ongoing conversations surrounding identity and community, delving into the impactful work being done, and the strides yet to come. 

Social Justice

Explore these broad subjects to help you navigate the Social Justice curriculum, where you can drill down further on the platform.

Video Examples

Title Abstract Video Type Thumbnail
Children of Katrina Dr. Alice Fothergill discusses her longitudinal research on the children who survived Hurricane Katrina. She found that how well children recover from the disaster can be linked to how vulnerable they were before it happened. Video Case
Cougars: New Sexual Scripts for Older Women Professor Beth Montemurro discusses "cougars" and the changing ideas about older women's sexuality. The dominant sexual script in the United States sees older women as asexual. However, acceptance of sexual behavior among this group is growing, partly linked to the alternative script of the "cougar"--an older woman pairing with a younger man. Video Case
Classical Sociological Theory, 1830 to 1930 Professor Jonathan H. Turner explains the history and development of sociology as a science. he also describes the three main conflicting stances of sociology: hard science vs. nonscience, activism vs. value neutrality, and explaining vs. agency. Tutorial
Abigail Andrews on Joy as Resilience
Abigail Andrews, PhD, an associate professor at the University of California, discusses joy as resilience, including joy as political resistance, how radical joy functions with trauma, and dancing as a trauma-coping method. Interview