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CQ Press Online Resources: Congress Collection

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Popular Resources

Chronology from the Continental Congress to the present day.

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See the data code book for definitions of the data categories used in the Congress Collection.


Congress Collection

Use the Congress Collection to:

·Find biographical, political, and electoral data about every member of Congress since the 79th Congress (1945)

·Search through encyclopedic information, statistical data, legislative analysis, and Supreme Court case summaries on the structure and powers of Congress

·Research floor votes and find descriptions with vote outcome by political party, roll call vote tallies, the full legislation text, and a state delegation vote map

·Compare “CQ Key Votes” voting records between two or more members

·Analyze each member and their demographics with interest group scores

Policy Analysis & Legislative Votes

Find » Policy Analysis by Topic If you look under Health and select Abortion, you will see options for Floor Votes and Legislative Information. 

The CQ  logo next to a vote in the Floor Votes results indicates a key/important vote as selected by CQ Press editors. The profile page will give the breakdown of votes, a brief description of the bill, and links to view or export the full Roll Call.

Select Analyze Voting Behavior to see how see how specific group of Congress Members voted on the bill, for example, how Roman Catholics voted on this Partial Birth Abortion Ban.

 Map It will give a visual representation of how members from each state voted.

Legislative Analysis provides chronologies on the topic in legislation as well as primary source documents.

Compare ยป Votes by Members

Select Votes by Members under Compare to search two Members to compare how often they vote together or differently.  Here’s a comparison of Senators Obama and McCain.

Members of Congress

Select Find Members by State to see all Representatives, current or from any Congress dating back to 1945, from a single state with their party affiliation and term.

Interest Group Scores Search scores by individual Members or groups.  This table shows those with the lowest ratings from the ACLU in 2012.


How Congress Works

This section includes resources on the rules and procedures governing Congress, including committees lobbying, pay and expenses, and Congressional Powers.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Emily Smith
she / her / hers