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Sage Video EMEA : Students & Researchers

This Sage Video Libguide serves as a online resource that provides students, educatiors and researchers with curated access to educational content from Sage Publishing.This guide includes instructional videos, tutorials and academic materials covering var

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Creating a Profile

This short video will show you how to correctly set up your profile on Save Video.

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Using Sage Video

Find Videos in My Discipline

Pink shaded image of a doctor in a white coat looking at a tabletVideo is a great way to enhance your understanding of a topic covered in class, conduct your own research, and gain real-life perspectives through observational and in practice videos as well as video case studies. Sage Video streaming collections cover a wealth of subject areas across disciplines in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. With a mobile-responsive design, our video player features will meet your learning and research needs whether you are on- or off-campus or in or out of the classroom!

  • Quick and advanced searches to target exactly what you are looking for
  • Browse by collection, subject, or video type to discover the vast array of content
  • Save and share playlists
  • Cite videos by copying and pasting APA, Chicago, MLA, or Harvard formats
  • Search transcripts for specific content
  • Access video anytime, on- or off-campus
  • Select videos in the Nursing Collection allow for Continuing Education Units (CEU) through our content partner, MedCom.

Visit the Subjects in Sage Video section of this guide to explore videos further by discipline collection. 

Dive into the Sage Video by Discipline Collection*

Business & Management | Counseling & Psychotherapy | Criminology & Criminal JusticeEducation | Leadership | Media, Communication, & Cultural Studies | Nursing | Political Science & International Relations | Psychology | Social Work | Sociology | Sage Research Methods

*Access to Sage Video collections will vary based on your institution’s holdings. 

Access Reading Lists of Content

Explore these various readings lists for different kinds of Sage content you can use in your research. Access with vary based on institution's holdings.


Pink shaded landscape scene showing a river running through forest and hills

      Sage Video

      Sage Research Methods

         Sage Knowledge

Pink shaded image of a person climbing an indoor rock wall

         (Books & Reference)      




      Sage Business CasesPink shaded image of mountain climbers hiking along a peak trail

Learn About the Platform

The quick search box appears at the top right of every page, and the Advanced Search is located here. Sage Video supports Boolean queries. 

screenshot of the search bar

To search only video, start from a discipline-specific page:

Business & Management

Counseling & Psychotherapy

Criminology & Criminal Justice


Media, Communication, & Cultural Studies

Politics & International Relations




When you search, you are not only searching titles, authors, and other standard metadata. You are searching video transcripts, people featured and discussed, and more. Not only that, your terms are automatically mapped to an award-winning social science thesaurus.


Use the filters on the right of the search results page to refine by fields like content type, discipline, sub-discipline, author, and much more.


screenshot of search results filter options

Browsing in Sage Video is powerful because every single video is mapped to a subject taxonomy that aligns with real course curricula. To browse only videos, start by selecting a discipline tab: 


Screenshot of the SAGE Video Browse options

To toggle closed-captions, click the CC button on the video player.

Screenshot of a sample video in SAGE Videoa

By default, the transcript will automatically scroll at the same pace as the video, highlighting the words currently being spoken. Clicking on a section of words will bring the video to play from that point. You can toggle the transcript to automatically scroll on or off. You can also search the transcript or download it in PDF form using the two buttons in the top right.

Screenshot of a sample transcript in SAGE Video

Clips can be created if you are signed in to a profile. If you are not signed in when you try to create a clip, you will be prompted to sign in or create a profile. In creating a clip you can define a start point, end point, and a description for clip-viewers. 

Use the scrub bar as a mechanism to pick the start and end of each clip, or enter the time stamps manually.

Screenshot showing the create a clip feature in SAGE Video

A clip has a unique URL that can be shared with anyone.

You can use embed codes to embed videos into webpages or learning management systems. To pull an HTML embed code in the form of an iFrame widget, click the embed icon in the top right of the video player. 

Screenshot showing the cite, reading list, share, embed, and help tools available on SAGE Video

Embed codes are available in three pre-defined sizes, but you can also edit those sizes. Once you have chosen your size, copy and paste your embed code into your chosen HTML or content management system.

To embed a CLIP instead of a full video or pre-defined segment, create a new clip, and you will be prompted to either save that clip to your list. Save it to your list, and then pull the embed code from the menu that pops up.

Tips on how to embed in BlackBoard:​ 

Tips on how to embed in Canvas:

To pull a citation, press the " " button in the top right of the video player. You can copy and paste citations directly or export them to your preferred citation manager.

Citations are available in APA, Chicago, Harvard, or MLA formats.

Screenshot of the expanded cite tool

They can be exported to Endnote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks, BibTeX, Zotero, and Medlars.

Click the "add to list" icon in the top right of the video player to add a video to an existing playlist, or create a new playlist. This can only be accomplished if you are signed into a personal profile. If you are not signed in, you will be prompted to sign in or create a new profile.

Screenshot of the expanded reading list tool

You can access your playlists from your profile by logging into your profile, hovering your cursor over your name in the top right of the screen, and clicking "My Lists."

Screen shot of the profile features showing how to get to the My Lists section

Sage Videos are known for their rich metadata--meaning, the information provided about each video. If you scroll below the video player, the video will shrink in size and move to the page header so you can keep watching. 

Video Info provides information about the entire video you are watching, such as year of publication, keywords, and events discussed.

Segment Info provides more specific information about only the segment of the video you are watching. You can think of it like a book chapter.

Related Content recommends related videos, book chapters, or other content within Sage Knowledge, encouraging further research avenues. 

Sage Recommends also recommends related research avenues, but to content outside Sage Knowledge, such as journal articles or data sets.

Screenshot showing additional video information providing about, speakers, keywords, and other  details