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Sage Data: EASI

This guide provides content support for using Sage Data resources for librarians, faculty, instructors, researchers, and students.

About EASI

Easy Analytic Software Inc. (EASI) is a software engineering and statistical modeling firm that specializes in consumer demographics. Using input data from the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Mediamark, EASI develops model-based indicators of the demographic characteristics, consumer spending, and behavior patterns for a wide range of geographic areas—states, counties, census tracts, and block groups. Mediamark is a market research firm that annually publishes The Survey of the American Consumer, based on detailed interviews of 26,000 households.

What's in EASI?

The EASI Market Planner comprises 14 large datasets.  Below are brief descriptions of each. 

Consumer Behavior – Mediamark - This dataset shows US consumer usage and purchasing patterns for over 6,000 products and services. Data are from Mediamark’s annual Survey of the American Consumer, based on 26,000 face-to-face interviews conducted nationwide in consumers’ homes. Easy Analytic Software Inc.(EASI) uses its statistical modeling technology and demographic profiles of various geographic areas to show Mediamark’s data for States, counties, census tracts, and block groups.

Consumer Expenditures - This dataset shows average annual household expenditures for various types of products and services. Data are from the nationwide Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), conducted annually by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau. Easy Analytic Software Inc.(EASI) uses its statistical modeling technology and demographic profiles of various geographic areas to show CEX data for States, counties, census tracts, and block groups.

Consumer Price Index - This dataset presents estimates and projections of the Consumer Price Index, based on Consumer Price Index data from the U.S. Dept. of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

Consumer Spending Analytics - This dataset presents a demographic analysis of household spending for various types of products and services. The table shows total annual expenditures, number of households, and average spending per household. Data are from the nationwide Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), conducted annually by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau. Easy Analytic Software Inc. (EASI) uses its statistical modeling technology and demographic profiles of various geographic areas to show CEX data for demographic groups within states, counties, census tracts, and block groups.

Demographics - EASI Profiles - This dataset shows the concentration of particular types of households in a geographic area in relation to the national average for that household type. The values shown are index values (100=national average).

Demographics – Census - This dataset shows population and household characteristics as reported in Census 2010. Estimates for the current year and projections 5 years forward are based on new data reported in the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, Census TIGER files, and the U.S. Postal Service mailable household file.

Gross Domestic Product - This dataset provides GDP for the United States and geographic units.

Health - This dataset provides statistics characterizing the health status of the United States population, including health conditions and behaviors, health care access/usage, and cause of death.

Industries – NAICS - This dataset shows number of establishments and employees, by industry. Data are from the Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns. Easy Analytic Software Inc. (EASI) uses its statistical modeling technology and geographic profiles to show this data for census tracts and block groups.

Life Stages  - This indicator shows the number of households in key demographic market segments within a geographic area. Each of the 84 segments in the Life Stages system uniquely combines three household characteristics: age of household head (7 categories), household type (4 categories), and household income (3 categories).  This dataset is designed by EASI.

Media Use - Mediamark - This dataset shows US consumer use of various types of media. Data are from Mediamark’s annual Survey of the American Consumer, based on 26,000 face-to-face interviews conducted nationwide in consumers’ homes. Easy Analytic Software Inc. (EASI) uses its statistical modeling technology and demographic profiles of various geographic areas to show Mediamark’s data for States, counties, census tracts, and block groups.

Quality of Life -This dataset provides measures of quality of life in the United States.

Sales Potential - This dataset presents estimates showing the relative concentration of particular economic or sociodemographic characteristics of an area. The value is presented as an index showing variation from a median value of 100 for each geographic area. “Potential variables” are not actual variables, they are derived estimates intended to help in the evaluation of actual data.  Note that index values are based on the percentage of a particular characteristic in a specific geography, not on the number of households, etc., that meet that criteria.

EASI Analytics: DataSheet and Search Examples

Clink on the links below to view DataSheets comprising statistical abstracts complete with infographics of indicators describing demographic characteristics and behavior patterns of US consumers created in Sage Data. Log in to explore the data at even more granularity - as well as relationships between these statistics and other indicators in the vast Sage Data repository. 

In reviewing the samples below, identify the question(s) the data answers for marketing and entrepreneurial initiatives.

Ranking of New York counties by counts of households who bought athletic or workout wear

Projected 2027 household spending on floor coverings - Delaware census tracts

Participation in leisure activities - ranking of Wyoming ZIP codes by percentage of households who barbecued or baked in the past year

Retirees - map of US states based on size of the retired population as compared to a median value of 100

Employees - Gambling industries - a pie chart comparing states based on number of employees working in the gaming industry

Spending on digital audio readers - White vs Black households in Alabama counties

Wealthiest households - map of Massachusetts census tracts

Index of homes built before 1939 - maps Texas ZIP codes as an index of the proportion of homes built before 1939

Children's health status - shows respondent-assessed health status in 2020 and 2023, and projected for 2028

Quality of life - ranks Hawaii counties on an index of quality of life, where the U.S. average=100

Sales Potential - maps U.S. counties based on sales potential for luxury-priced products

Sample Data: Who Reads a Daily Newspaper?

Exploring EASI in Sage Data

In Sage Data, the many indicators included in the EASI Market Planner datasets can be viewed as stand-alone trends, charts, or maps. The listing of indicators can be viewed by opening the EASI Market Planner entries in the Browse by Source or Browse by Subject listings. For example, the chart below maps U.S. counties on projected per household spending on eyeglasses and contact lens in 2027..

Note that you can learn more about the indicator, dataset, and source by viewing the statistical abstract that appears below the chart, as below.

metadata describing EASI dataset

The "Copy Link to Dataset" that you see at the top left of the image above allows you to capture a link to the same chart that you have created. These links are useful to share with others who have access to Sage Data, such as your professors or fellow students. Use the "Create DOI" link at the top right of the image above to create a link that you can share with anyone. DOIs create a view of the chart and summary and ensures that each time you reference the data in a paper or elsewhere, the reader can view the exact view of the DataSheet at the time you created it. For more information on DOIs, click here

EASI: Sample Comparison Charts

Use Sage Data to compare and contrast consumer demographics and behaviors across geographies. For example, the chart below ranks amount per household spent on breakfast and brunch at fast food restaurants by household type in Connecticut:

The ranking below shows amount per household spent on beer and ale and wine in 2022 vs projected amount in 2027 in Wake and Mecklenburg counties, North Carolina's two largest counties, population-wise:

Explore differences at the ZIP code level of sales potential for types of products based on socioeconomic characteristics. The map below compares California ZIP codes on an index of "Luxury-Priced Product Market", where the value shows variation again a median value of 100, with higher values showing ZIPs that are estimated to have a higher propensity to purchase luxury-priced products - yachts, jewels, etc. Click on the image of the map below to open a new window that allows you to zoom in closer on the visualization. This mimics the same functionality that you'll find when you're in Sage Data.