Diversifying and Decolonizing Research is a transformative collection dedicated to supporting users in conducting research that is both critical and inclusive, by showcasing a diverse range of experiences and approaches from marginalized, underrepresented, underserved, and vulnerable communities, as well as decolonial perspectives that challenge traditional research paradigms.
You can do a quick search across the different content types featured in the collection, including Cases, Datasets, Videos and How-to Guides.
Diversifying and Decolonizing Research challenges traditional research paradigms with decolonial perspectives, offering a richer, more inclusive understanding of research.
Sample Assignment - Decolonial Principles
1. Start by assigning a how-to guide as pre-class reading, so that students gain a practical understanding of how to conduct research according to decolonial principles, such as How to Negotiate Access in Decolonizing Research. Direct learners to the multiple choice quiz questions at the end of the guide, to cement their understanding.
2. Next, explore these principles in action with a case study detailing a real research project, the case study Amplifying Indigenous Voices in Decolonial Research: A Case Study of West Papua will allow learners to understand the kind of ethical considerations they might face in conducting their research, as well as to start picturing how they can apply the principles they've learned to their projects.
3. Follow this with in-class viewing of a video case study, allowing learners to connect with the material on a deeper level and hear about the process in the researcher's own words. Use the custom clipping tool to pick out highlights from the video and allow group discussion of the themes which arise. An option to consider - Indigenous Protocols: Working With Customary Law Governing Pueblos on the Land and in Diaspora
4. After class, give students a practice dataset to work with, ensuring they have a holistic understanding of how to work with data in a decolonial context. Direct students to the student guide which comes with each dataset, in the Teaching and Learning Material tab, here is an example dataset, used for teaching decolonial discourse analysis - Decolonial Critical Discourse Analysis of Photos, Videos, and Text About “China in the Pacific”
The Methods Map taxonomy was updated with the launch of this collection, to include new 28 primary and 11 secondary terms, under a new category on decolonizing research: