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Sage Video: Social Work

SAGE Video


About This Collection

Watch how practitioners draw on theory and practice to inform decision-making.
Explore the skills necessary to become a social worker through videos that show insights of different client groups and elevate understanding of how theory and policy relate to practice. The collection includes global content and features tutorials, video case studies, interviews with practitioners, documentaries, and videos that show social work in action.

Video Examples

Title Abstract Video Type Thumbnail
An Interpretive Phenomenological Study of African American Mothers with Adolescent Daughters S. Rasheem, PhD, social science researcher, discusses her interpretive phenomenological study of African American mothers with adolescent daughters. Case Study
Disability & Microaggressions Barbara J. Diamond discusses implicit bias, microaggressions, disability, and creating an inclusive world. Conference

Creativity & Practice Learning

Siobhan Maclean, social worker, discusses the importance of, and how to apply, creativity and practice learning in social work. Tutorial
Intergenerational Trauma and Resilience
Sherwood Randolph, Clinical Director at Virginia Commonwealth University, discusses intergenerational trauma and resilience, including research challenges and ethically and tentatively approaching the topic. Interview